
Crochet Baby Teether “Sunshine”

With this free pattern we like to crochet a sweet Baby Teether. The crocheted Baby Teether Sunshine has the nice shape of a sun and is a wonderful baby toy.

Knowledge: Crochet Baby Teether “Sunshine”

Supplies: Crochet Baby Teether “Sunshine”

Size: Crochet Baby Teether “Sunshine”

Here you find the size specifications for the crocheted baby teether.

Needle Size Yarn Inside Outside
2,5 mm (shown example) 125m / 50g, 100% Cotton 3,5cm 8cm

Pattern: Crochet Baby Teether “Sunshine”

Baby Greifling häkeln - Sonnenschein - AnleitungFor the baby teether sunshine we first crochet the inner ring with chain stitches and single crochet stitches (US!). The we crochet the sun rays around the ring and also close it.

Crochet Baby Teether Ring

Baby Greifling häkeln - Sonnenschein - gratis AnleitungFor the baby teether we first crochet the inner ring following the pattern for a simple baby teether with light yellow yarn. You can crochet it with or without wooden rings and you also just skip the border.

Crochet Baby Teether Border

Baby Greifling häkeln - Sonnenschein - gratis HäkelanleitungNow we can crochet the border around the baby teether. There for we start now at any place and always stitch into both loops of the front and the back side.

Baby Greifling häkeln - Sonnenschein - kostenlose AnleitungJust repeat the sun ray until the end of the round and stitch always into both loops of the front and the back side.

Baby Greifling häkeln - Sonnenschein - kostenlose HäkelanleitungFill and stuff the ring completely when you are next to the end of the round.

Baby Greifling häkeln - Sonnenschein - HäkelanleitungThen you just crochet until the border is completely closed.

Congratulations! Your crocheted baby teether sunshine is finished and can make a childheart happy!

Baby Greifling häkeln - Sonnenschein - Anleitung - Häkelanleitung

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