
Amigurumi – Crochet Baby Octopus “Kaha”

This cute baby octopus we crochet step by step with this easy pattern. You can decorate the crochet baby octopus with paint, beads or as you like and use it as decoration, plush toy or a hanger.

Knowledge: Amigurumi – Crochet Baby Octopus “Kaha”

Supplies: Amigurumi – Crochet Baby Octopus “Kaha”

Crochet Pattern: Amigurumi – Crochet Baby Octopus “Kaha”

For the amigrumi baby octopus we first crochet the body from top down. Then we just crochet the arms into the edge of stitches and then your crochet baby octopus is already finished.

Crochet Baby Octopus Body (1x)

The body for the baby octopus we crochet from top down in spiral rounds with only single crochet stitches (US!).

Crochet Baby Octopus Arms (1x)

The arms for the baby octopus we just crochet in one round into the edge of stitches at the body. Hold the body upside down, so the top side points downwards. Additional you start exactly left to the transition of the beginning of the round.

Finish Baby Octopus

This way your crochet baby octopus is already finished and you can decorate it. I used fabric paint to make some glitter dots. But you can also sew on beads, embroider dots or just let it like it is.

With a hanger you can use your crochet baby octopus also for a mobile or as a key chain charm.

Congratulation for your self crocheted baby octopus! Have fun with it and please leave a picture of your work in the comments below!

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