
Amigurumi Mystery CAL – „Hibernation“

Welcome to the Amigurumi Mystery CAL – „Hibernation“. This is Ribbelmonsters second Mystery CAL and I hope you will like it! In this Amigurumi Mystery CAL we will crochet together a mysterious being that starts „Hibernation“ now. Also this Amigurumi is part of a new series and it´s one of the biggest of Ribbelmonsters Amigurumis so far.



CAL – Crochet Along

This project we crochet as a CAL – Crochet Along, that means we all together and everyone is welcome to join. For this you’ll get all time a small piece of the pattern. Next days posts will be published in regular intervals for this CAL until it is finished. The intervals are chosen a way everyone will be able to finish the parts by investing round about 30 minutes a day. You can join us by just starting the CAL and sharing your progress with us below the next post.

Mystery CAL – Mystery Crochet Along

Incidentally this CAL is a Mystery CAL which means nobody will know what we are crocheting. Okay the Ribbelmonster and me are knowing it, but we don’t tell. The only hints I can give you is that it will be a Amigurumi, getting 30cm tall and that it´s starting „Hibernation“ now. Let´s start the game!

Amigurumi Mystery CAL – „Hibernation”

Here you will find the important things you should know about this Amigurumi Mystery CAL – “Hibernation”. With the knowledges you can asses the difficulty and if you are able to handle it. Then follows a detailed supply list, so you can get your stuff and start quick. At least there is also a detailed timetable, so you don’t miss a part and you will be able to plan your time.

Knowledge: Amigurumi Mystery CAL – „Hibernation”

Supplies: Amigurumi Mystery CAL – „Hibernation”

Timetable: Amigurumi Mystery CAL – „Hibernation”

At least also the timetable for the Amigurumi Mystery CAL – “Hibernation” to let you know when new parts will be published. All dates and times are in MEZ, that is GMT+1:00 at moment, because we have wintertime. This way everybody can set up the alarm clock or the personal organizer, also if you are from a different time zone. The links to the parts will of course only work at the right time, but most of you know this from advent calendar or weather blanket.

  • 17th November 2018 – 6:00 o’clock pm (MEZ) – Part 1
  • 20th November 2018 – 6:00 o’clock pm (MEZ) – Part 2
  • 22nd November 2018 – 6:00 o’clock pm (MEZ) – Part 3
  • 24th November 2018 – 6:00 o’clock pm (MEZ) – Part 4
  • 26th November 2018 – 6:00 o’clock pm (MEZ) – Part 5
  • 27th November 2018 – 6:00 o’clock pm (MEZ) – Part 6
  • 28th November 2018 – 6:00 o’clock pm (MEZ) – Part 7
  • 29th November 2018 – 6:00 o’clock pm (MEZ) – Part 8


Here already comes the first Hands-on-task! Follow us in a social network (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) so you don’t miss a post. Join our Facebook group (german, english) if you like to exchange with others! Write down a comment about the very first Mystery CAL and send us a picture of your material! If you are not ready yet you can do this any time!

Attention! Please use the comment function for your report, so that the project remains for posterity. In social networks, things are disappearing so fast! Of course you are allowed to add your stuff there as well. We are publishing new posts on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. For urgent questions and personal exchange you can also find the Ribbelmonster groups on Facebook!

I would love to see you joining us and sharing your progress!



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