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Amigurumi – Crochet Big White Bunny “Molang”

With this free crochet pattern you are able to crochet a big white bunny. The Molang bunny is a sweet character of Japanese Comics and the Kawaii Scene.

Knowledge: Amigurumi – Crochet Big White Bunny “Molang”

Supplies: Amigurumi – Crochet Big White Bunny “Molang”

Size: Amigurumi – Crochet Big White Bunny “Molang”

Here you find the size specifications for the big white Molang bunny without ears.

Needle Size Yarn
2,5 mm (shown example) 125m / 50g, 100% Cotton 7cm

Crochet Pattern: Amigurumi – Crochet Big White Bunny “Molang”

Amigurumi - großes weißes Häschen häkeln - Molang - Anleitung - HäkelanleitungFor the big white bunny  we first crochet the body and than the arms, legs, tail and ears. Then all parts will be sewn together, the nose embroidered and the cheeks get painted.

Crochet Big White Bunny Body (1x)

Amigurumi - großes weißes Häschen häkeln - Molang - AnleitungThe body for the big white bunny we crochet from top down in spiral rounds with only single crochet stitches (US!).

Crochet Big White Bunny Ears (2x)

Amigurumi - großes weißes Häschen häkeln - Molang - HäkelanleitungNow we like to crochet the ears for the big white bunny. We start from top and crochet in spiral rounds with only single crochet stitches (US!) downwards. The ears wont be filled, but folded flat and sewn with the opening facing to the body later.

Crochet Big White Bunny Tail (1x)

Amigurumi - großes weißes Häschen häkeln - Molang - gratis AnleitungFor the big white bunny we also crochet a tail from back to tip in spiral rounds with only single crochet stitches (US!). Later we sew it with the opening facing to the back with the thread ends.

Crochet Big White Bunny Arms (2x)

Amigurumi - großes weißes Häschen häkeln - Molang - gratis HäkelanleitungThe arms for the big white bunny will be crocheted from the finger tips up in spiral rounds with only single crochet stitches (US!).

Crochet Big White Bunny Legs (2x)

Amigurumi - großes weißes Häschen häkeln - Molang - kostenlose AnleitungThe legs for the big white bunny we crochet from bottom up in spiral rounds with only single crochet stitches (US!).

Finish Molang Bunny

Amigurumi - großes weißes Häschen häkeln - Molang - Anleitung kostenlosAfter all parts are finished we only need to put them together. First you should do this with pins, so later everything will fit well.

Amigurumi - großes weißes Häschen häkeln - Molang - Anleitung für AnfängerYou will start with sewing the arms. Fold them flat and sew them with the opening horizontally around the 15th round. Each wing has a distance of 2 stitches to the outer edge of the eyes. For sewing you can use the thread ends.

Amigurumi - großes weißes Häschen häkeln - Molang - Häkelanleitung kostenlosNext fold the ears flat and sew them with the opening to the head. They are sitting on the head between the 2nd and 4th round. The are in a line from the back side of each arm and the middle of the head.

Amigurumi - großes weißes Häschen häkeln - Molang - einfache HäkelanleitungNext also the legs will be folded flat and sewn around the 29th round at the bottom of the body. The legs should have a distance of 3 stitches to each other and you can use here the thread ends as well.

Amigurumi - großes weißes Häschen häkeln - Molang - Häkelanleitung kostenlos - AnleitungNow you can also sew the tail with the thread ends. Place it on the back and sew it horizontally around the 25th round. The tail is the counterweight to the body, so the bunny can be seated.

Amigurumi - großes weißes Häschen häkeln - Molang - Anleitung kostenlos - HäkelanleitungThen you embroider a nose with black Darning Yarn. There for you start with an vertically stitch between the eyes.

Amigurumi - großes weißes Häschen häkeln - Molang - Häkelanleitung für AnfängerNext you also embroider an horizontally stitch, which goes through the lower part of the vertical stitch. This way the bow of the lower stitch is created. At least take some rose paint and colourize some cheeks.

Amigurumi - großes weißes Häschen häkeln - Molang - Anleitung - Häkelanleitung


Finished is your self crocheted Molang bunny. I hope it will make you happy!

Amigurumi - großes weißes Häschen häkeln - Molang - Häkelanleitung - Anleitung

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