
Crochet Weather Blanket – CAL – 8th Week

This way goes crocheting a weather blanket, when the weather god is out of ideas. If you have no idea what this is about, you can read it in the Pattern to Crochet a Weather Blanket nachlesen.

8th Week of Crocheting a Weather Blanket

As we feared last week, it’s freezing cold this week. But in addition to the monotony of the temperature it is now even monotonous weather. This week, the rows were not only white, but it also remained exclusively in the sun or clear pattern. The sunny weather was really great for the mind, but for the weather blanket this was ugly. In the beginning, you really think that it can not be good. But somehow even the somewhat monotonous pattern has its charm and I am really happy about letting the weather make the patterns as the temperature the colour.

Wetterdecke häkeln - CAL - 8 Wochen

Since we already have a little practice in the selection of the colour and pattern, it has become superfluous to perform every single day in detail. In the coming weeks I will only use the following short version to record my weather data and to present it to you.

Wetterdecke häkeln - CAL - Zwischenstand 8 Wochen

Day Temperature Weather
50 4 Some Clouds
51 3 Some Clouds
52 3 Sun
53 2 Sun
54 -1 Sun
55 1 Some Clouds
56 -3 Sun

Projection for the Weather Blanket

My blanket has already grown out of her little box and now she has to move into one of the big boxes. It now weighs 750g and is 39cm high. With the factor of 6,5cm for this week that would result in the end 254cm and 4875g.

Crochet Weather Blanket – Development of weight and length as well as projections
Weight (in g) Length (incm)
Time so far
valued so far
1st Week 87 +87 4533 4 +4 208
2nd Week 183 +96 4758 +225 9 +5 234 +26
3rd Week 278 +95 4837 +79 12,5 +3,5 218 -16
4th Week 364 +86 4732 -105 17 +4,5 221 +3
5th Week 466 +102 4660 -72 22 +5 220 -1
6th Week 562 +96 4889 +229 27 +5 234 +14
7th Week 664 +102 4914 +25 32 +5 237 +3
8th Week 750 +86 4875 -39 39 +6 254 +17


Here comes the next hands-on-task! Write a comment describing the work on your blanket and attach a photo of your blanket! If you are not ready yet, you can do that anytime! The following questions could help you: Does your pattern look so monotonous this week? What tips do you have for others? If you like you can also send your projection again!

Attention! Please use the comment function for your report, so that the project remains for posterity. In social networks, things are disappearing so fast! Of course you are allowed to add your stuff there as well. We are publishing new posts on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. For urgent questions and personal exchange you can also find the Ribbelmonster group on Facebook!

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