
Crochet Weather Blanket – CAL – 5th Week

It is already 5 weeks, when we crochet on our weather blanket. Here comes a new status report. If you have no idea what this is about, you can read it in the Pattern to Crochet a Weather Blanket nachlesen.

5th Week of Crocheting a Weather Blanket

After 5 weeks of blanket crochet, white, purple and blue line up in constant change. The color combination looks better with each row and yet we are eagerly awaiting warmer temperatures to crochet new colours. Does it work this week?

29th Day of Crocheting a Weather Blanket

It is 11 ° C and it is raining, so I crochet the rain pattern in blue. Hopefully the thermometer will continue climbing this week. The weather forecast predicts us at least the opposite, Siberian cold, but you can hope!

30th Day of Crocheting a Weather Blanket

Today it is only 8 ° C, but the sun is shining and I’m hopeful. I crochet the sun pattern in purple.

31st Day of Crocheting a Weather Blanket

It gets warmer again and Peter sends us a cloudy sky at 10 ° C. I’m allowed to crochet blue again, but only the covered pattern. Come on, tomorrow it has to go uphill.

32nd Day of Crocheting a Weather Blanket

Nope! Only 5 ° C, but a little less cloudy sky. I crochet the clear pattern in purple.

33rd Day of Crocheting a Weather Blanket

Menno! Today it is like yesterday and no improvement in sight.

34th Day of Crocheting a Weather Blanket

Instead of the long-awaited spring, Snow White will visit us again. It snows diligently at 3 ° C from the sky, but the warm soil immediately consumes the white. But for that I’m allowed to crochet the snow pattern in white again, I really like that.

35th Day of Crocheting a Weather Blanket

The thermometer drops to 0 ° C and it continues to snow. So slowly, the floor is sufficiently cooled, so that a fine white carpet remains. I once again crochet the snow pattern in white and it gives me great pleasure to crochet the new flakes between them of yesterday.

Wetterdecke häkeln - CAL - 5 Wochen

Weather Blanket Latecomers

There are still new people joining in, who are enthusiastic about our project. Therefore I would like to welcome once again all latecomers! The question came up, whether you could still participate. Of course! You can still join in 10 years, because the weather will probably not be lost.

It will not be easy to catch up, as the new year has now lost a whole month. So, in the Ribbelmonster group on Facebook there was a decisive tip, which I honestly did not come to immediately. Anyone who joins us now and has no time or desire to catch up so much, can just start when he wants and stop at the same time next year. Nobody tells you that a blanket has to be worked over a calendar year. You can just as well start in the middle and invent your own weather blanket year. Then I wish you a lot of fun!

Wetterdecke häkeln - CAL - Zwischenstand 5 Wochen

Projection for the Weather Blanket

Then we’ll go on with the next body check. My blanket weighs 466g and is 22cm high. The factor for 35 days is 10 and thus results in 4660g and 220cm for the finished weather blanket.

Crochet Weather Blanket – Development of weight and length as well as projections
Weight (in g) Length (incm)
Time so far
valued so far
1st Week 87 +87 4533 4 +4 208
2nd Week 183 +96 4758 +225 9 +5 234 +26
3rd Week 278 +95 4837 +79 12,5 +3,5 218 -16
4th Week 364 +86 4732 -105 17 +4,5 221 +3
5th Week 466 +102 4660 -72 22 +5 220 -1


Here comes the next hands-on-task! Write a comment describing the work on your blanket and attach a photo of your blanket! If you are not ready yet, you can do that anytime! The following questions could help you: Is it already spring somewhere in Germany? Who was already allowed to crochet a new colour? What tips do you have for others? If you like you can also send your projection again!

Attention! Please use the comment function for your report, so that the project remains for posterity. In social networks, things are disappearing so fast! Of course you are allowed to add your stuff there as well. We are publishing new posts on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. For urgent questions and personal exchange you can also find the Ribbelmonster group on Facebook!

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