To crochet a Sperm Whale is very easy with this free pattern. The crocheted sperm whale gets big enough to be a nice plush toy or decoration.
Knowledge: Amigurumi – Crochet Sperm Whale “Moby”
Supplies: Amigurumi – Crochet Sperm Whale “Moby”
- Crochet Yarn:
- Colors: dark grey
- Size: ca. 125m / 50g
- Example: Schachenmayr Catania
- Crochet Hook:
- Metric: 2,5 mm
- Help? Needle Size Translator
- Wool Needle
- Scissors
- Filling:
- Example: Synthetic Filling (100% Polyester)
- Alternatives? Amigurumi Filling
- Eyes:
- Example: 2 Safety Eyes (black, 6mm)
- Alternatives? Amigurumi Eyes
- Mouth:
Size: Amigurumi – Crochet Sperm Whale “Moby”
Here you find the size specifications for the Amigurumi Sperm Whale.
Needle Size | Yarn |
Length | Height |
2,5 mm (shown example) | 125m / 50g, 100% Cotton | 27cm | 8cm |
Crochet Pattern: Amigurumi – Crochet Sperm Whale “Moby”
Für den Amigurumi Pottwal crochet wir zuerst den body und dann die tailflossen, Seitenflossen und die Rückenflosse. Wenn du fertig bist werden nur noch alle Teile zusammen genäht und dann ist dein gehäkelter Pottwal auch schon fertig.
Crochet Sperm Whale Body (1x)
Den body für den Pottwal crochet wir in spiral rounds mit ausschließlich single crochet stitches (US!) von vorn nach hinten. Dabei wird der body gut gefüllt und gestopft, damit der gehäkelte Pottwal eine schöne runde Form bekommt.
- dunkelgrey:
- 1st round: magic ring + 6 single crochet stitches (US!) = 6 stitches
- 2nd round: double every stitch = 12 stitches
- 3rd round: double every 2nd stitch = 18 stitches
- 4th round: double every 3rd stitch = 24 stitches
- 5th round: double every 4th stitch = 30 stitches
- 6th round: double every 5th stitch = 36 stitches
- 7th round: double every 6th stitch = 42 stitches
- 8th round: double every 7th stitch = 48 stitches
- 9th round: double every 8th stitch = 54 stitches
- 10th round: double every 9th stitch = 60 stitches
- 11th – 40th round: (= 30 rounds) each stitch one stitch = 60 stitches
- Attach Safety Eyes, position: after the 30th round, unten 24 stitches distance
- 41st round: crochet together every 59th and 60th stitch = 59 stitches
- 42nd round: crochet together every 58th and 59th stitch = 58 stitches
- 43rd round: crochet together every 57th and 58th stitch = 57 stitches
- 44th round: crochet together every 56th and 57th stitch = 56 stitches
- 45th round: crochet together every 55th and 56th stitch = 55 stitches
- 46th round: crochet together every 54th and 55th stitch = 54 stitches
- 47th round: crochet together every 53th and 54th stitch = 53 stitches
- 48th round: crochet together every 52th and 53th stitch = 52 stitches
- 49th round: crochet together every 51th and 52th stitch = 51 stitches
- 50th round: crochet together every 50th and 51th stitch = 50 stitches
- 51st round: crochet together every 49th and 50th stitch = 49 stitches
- 52nd round: crochet together every 48th and 49th stitch = 48 stitches
- 53rd round: crochet together every 47th and 48th stitch = 47 stitches
- 54th round: crochet together every 46th and 47th stitch = 46 stitches
- 55th round: crochet together every 45th and 46th stitch = 45 stitches
- 56th round: crochet together every 44th and 45th stitch = 44 stitches
- 57th round: crochet together every 43th and 44th stitch = 43 stitches
- 58th round: crochet together every 42th and 43th stitch = 42 stitches
- 59th round: crochet together every 41th and 42th stitch = 41 stitches
- 60th round: crochet together every 40th and 41th stitch = 40 stitches
- 61st round: crochet together every 39th and 40th stitch = 39 stitches
- 62nd round: crochet together every 38th and 39th stitch = 38 stitches
- 63rd round: crochet together every 37th and 38th stitch = 37 stitches
- 64th round: crochet together every 36th and 37th stitch = 36 stitches
- 65th round: crochet together every 35th and 36th stitch = 35 stitches
- 66th round: crochet together every 34th and 35th stitch = 34 stitches
- 67th round: crochet together every 33th and 34th stitch = 33 stitches
- 68th round: crochet together every 32th and 33th stitch = 32 stitches
- 69th round: crochet together every 31th and 32th stitch = 31 stitches
- 70. round: crochet together every 30th and 31th stitch = 30 stitches
- 71st round: crochet together every 29th and 30th stitch = 29 stitches
- 72nd round: crochet together every 28th and 29th stitch = 28 stitches
- 73rd round: crochet together every 27th and 28th stitch = 27 stitches
- 74th round: crochet together every 26th and 27th stitch = 26 stitches
- 75th round: crochet together every 25th and 26th stitch = 25 stitches
- 76th round: crochet together every 24th and 25th stitch = 24 stitches
- fill and stuff
- 77th round: crochet together every 23th and 24th stitch = 23 stitches
- 78th round: crochet together every 22th and 23th stitch = 22 stitches
- 79th round: crochet together every 21th and 22th stitch = 21 stitches
- 80. round: crochet together every 20th and 21th stitch = 20 stitches
- 81st round: crochet together every 19th and 20th stitch = 19 stitches
- 82nd round: crochet together every 18th and 19th stitch = 18 stitches
- 83rd round: crochet together every 17th and 18th stitch = 17 stitches
- 84th round: crochet together every 16th and 17th stitch = 16 stitches
- 85th round: crochet together every 15th and 16th stitch = 15 stitches
- 86th round: crochet together every 14th and 15th stitch = 14 stitches
- 87th round: crochet together every 13th and 14th stitch = 13 stitches
- 88th round: crochet together every 12th and 13th stitch = 12 stitches
- fill and stuff completely
- 89th round: crochet together every 1st and 2nd stitch = 6 stitches
- cut the thread generous, pull off the loop, close remaining opening, secure and weave in the thread end
Crochet Sperm Whale Tail Fin (2x)
Die tailflossen für den Pottwal Wal crochet wir von der seitlichen Spitze zur breiten Seite in spiral rounds mit ausschließlich single crochet stitches (US!). Die tailflossen werden nicht gefüllt, sondern nur flach gefaltet, so das sich an der breiten Seite der Bogen zeigt.
- dunkelgrey:
- 1st round: magic ring + 6 single crochet stitches (US!) = 6 stitches
- 2nd round: double every 3rd stitch = 8 stitches
- 3rd round: double every 4th stitch = 10 stitches
- 4th round: double every 5th stitch = 12 stitches
- 5th round: double every 6th stitch = 14 stitches
- 6th round: double every 7th stitch = 16 stitches
- 7th round: double every 8th stitch = 18 stitches
- 8th round: double every 9th stitch = 20 stitches
- 9th round: double every 10th stitch = 22 stitches
- 10th round: double every 11th stitch = 24 stitches
- 11th round: double every 12th stitch = 26 stitches
- 12th round: double every 13th stitch = 28 stitches
- 13th round: double every 14th stitch = 30 stitches
- 14th round: 11x 1 single crochet stitch (US!) into one stitch, 4x crochet together two stitches with 1 single crochet stitch (US!), 11x 1 single crochet stitch (US!) into one stitch = 26 stitches
- 15th round: 11x 1 single crochet stitch (US!) into one stitch, 2x crochet together two stitches with 1 single crochet stitch (US!), 11x 1 single crochet stitch (US!) into one stitch = 24 stitches
- cut the thread generous, pull off the loop, DONT cut the thread end, will be needed for sewing later
Crochet Sperm Whale Fins (2x)
Dann wollen wir auch gleich die Seitenflossen für den Pottwal crochet. Hier crochet wir von der Spitze zum Ansatz in spiral rounds mit single crochet stitches (US!). Die Seitenflossen werden am Ende nicht gefüllt, sondern nur flach gefaltet an den body genäht.
- dunkelgrey:
- 1st round: magic ring + 6 single crochet stitches (US!) = 6 stitches
- 2nd round: double every stitch = 12 stitches
- 3rd round: double every 2nd stitch = 18 stitches
- 4th – 6th round: (= 3 rounds) each stitch one stitch = 18 stitches
- 7th round: crochet together every 8th and 9th stitch = 16 stitches
- 8th round: crochet together every 7th and 8th stitch = 14 stitches
- 9th round: crochet together every 6th and 7th stitch = 12 stitches
- 10th round: crochet together every 5th and 6th stitch = 10 stitches
- 11th round: crochet together every 4th and 5th stitch = 8 stitches
- 12th round: crochet together every 3rd and 4th stitch = 6 stitches
- cut the thread generous, pull off the loop, DONT cut the thread end, will be needed for sewing later
Crochet Sperm Whale Dorsal Fin (1x)
Als nächstes wollen wir auch noch die Rückenflosse für den Pottwal crochet und arbeiten dazu in spiral rounds von der oberen Spitze zum unteren Ansatz. Wir crochet ausschließlich mit single crochet stitches (US!) und falten auch die Rückenflosse flach ohne sie zu füllen.
- dunkelgrey:
- 1st round: magic ring + 6 single crochet stitches (US!) = 6 stitches
- 2nd round: double every 2nd stitch = 9 stitches
- 3rd round: double every 3rd stitch = 12 stitches
- 4th round: double every 4th stitch = 15 stitches
- 5th round: double every 5th stitch = 18 stitches
- 6th + 7th round: (= 2 rounds) each stitch one stitch = 18 stitches
Finish Sperm Whale
Nun können wir den gehäkelten Pottwal zusammen nähen. Bevor du damit beginnst, solltest du zuerst alle Teile mit Stecknadeln anstecken. So findest du die richtigen Positionen besser und kannst noch einfach Korrekturen vornehmen.
Zuerst werden beide tailflossen zur Hälfte zusammen genäht. Dabei liegen die offenen Seiten flach aneinander und die Kerben befinden sie auf einer Seite. Verwende ein neues Fadenende vom Häkelgarn und beginne in der Mitte und nähe beide Teile nach hinten zusammen und wieder zur Mitte. Anschließend werden die Fadenenden im Inneren der tailflosse gesichert.
Anschließend setzt du die tailflosse auf die hintere Spitze des bodys. Sie sitzt seitlich gesehen jeweils in einer Linie zur nosenspitze und den Eyes und von oben gesehen flach in der Mitte. Verwende nun beide Fadenenden, um die tailflosse jeweils von links und von rechts anzunähen.
Nun nähst du die Seitenflossen an den body. Sie sitzen jeweils rechts und links waagerecht etwas unter dem Eye zwischen der 39th und 41st Runde des bodys. Dabei bildet die Flosse waagerecht keine Linie, sondern zeigt hinten leicht nach oben. Auch hier verwendest du wie gewohnt die Fadenenden und sicherst sie zum Schluss im Inneren des bodys.
Dann nähen wir nur noch die Rückenflosse an, welche mittig auf dem body sitzt und bei der 50th Runde des bodys beginnt. Nähe sie so an, das sie von oben betrachtet genau in einer Linie zu nosenspitze und tailspitze steht.
Zuletzt stickst du noch mit blackem Darning Yarn einen Maul auf. Hier ist es sehr hilfreich die Route zuerst mit Stecknadeln abzustecken, da sie sehr groß ist. Das Maul verläuft U-förmig von vorn nach hinten und geht kurz hinter den Eyes weit auseinander. Hier solltest du unbedingt prüfen, das auch die Seitenansicht stimmt.
Gratuliere! Dein gehäkelter Pottwal ist fertig! Bis bald!